Message from the Superintendent

Dear Topeka Public Schools Family,
Pictured above are dedicated nursing staff members from Stormont Vail where we donated masks made by our very own staff members. St. Francis also received a donation of masks.
This week we are recognizing our administrative assistants for Administrative Assistant day. Mrs. Laura Allen is one of these amazing administrative assistants who do so much for the district. She was the first TPS volunteer to make masks for staff and the community. She is pictured in the first highlight below. We have also shared our graduation plans to host a virtual ceremony and we are providing some special opportunities for students to become engaged in the ceremony in meaningful ways based on their feedback. The principals will give diplomas to students as a mobile distribution opportunity.
Last week, we celebrated The Week of the Young Child and we enclosed the video for you to view from our web page. It's also running on our cable TV station. Also, State Board of Education member, Mrs. Ann Mah, celebrated five schools that were recognized for gaining Challenge Awards as a result of their performance on state assessments in 2019. The schools include: French Middle School, Quincy Elementary, Lowman Hill, McCarter Elementary and McEachron Elementary. We congratulate the academic accomplishments of staff at those schools and we thank everyone for the outstanding work being done to keep students engaged.
We are all working together as a community to serve and uplift one another through this pandemic.
Thank you for your ongoing support!

Dr. Tiffany Anderson