Preschool Intervention Program

PIP: Preschool Intervention Program

Developmental Screenings


Direct Services

Services for Parents

Consultation /Professional Development

Peer Model Placements

General Information

Preschool Intervention Program classrooms operate Monday through Friday with morning and afternoon sessions. Classrooms are led by an Early Childhood Special Education teacher with the aid of paraprofessionals.

Most classrooms are located in elementary schools, while a few classrooms are located in other buildings.

Free Developmental Screenings

Developmental screenings are available to all children ages 0-5 who reside within the Topeka Public Schools attendance boundary. A screening is offered as a first step to determine whether children may have problems with vision, hearing, speech, learning, behavior, motor skills, or overall development. After screenings, further evaluation may be recommended, referrals may be given to other agencies or suggestions for home may be made.

Parents are encouraged to schedule a screening to check overall development, if they have concerns about their child's development or if they are interested in the peer model program.

To schedule a screening, please call 235-7261


If screening indicates the need for more in-depth examination of a child's abilities, an evaluation may be recommended. Evaluations provide more specific information regarding the nature and extent of a child's developmental concerns. The professional team conducting evaluations uses tests which have been validated and/or standardized for use with young children. Observations in various settings, along with parental and preschool reports are important components of the evaluation process.

Comprehensive evaluations may be conducted in the child's preschool/childcare, in an Preschool Intervention Program (PIP) classroom or by appointment.

Direct Services

Topeka Public Schools provides a wide array of services to children after evaluation is completed and needs determined. Children ages 3-5 who have articulation, voice or fluency problems may qualify for speech therapy in a local elementary school. Children ages 3-5 who have delays in development may be eligible for Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services. Depending on the needs of the child, those services may include specialized instruction, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, autism support services, etc. The setting in which these services are delivered are also dependent on the child's needs and can vary from the child's home, preschool/childcare, or in one of our PIP classrooms.

Additional Preschool Services

Parents As Teachers –


Sheldon Head Start


State Pre-Kindergarten –


Services for Parents

Weekly parent support groups are available to parents of children with special needs.

Consultation/Professional Development

Consultation is available to parents, preschool programs, and child care centers. Consultation may be in regard to a specific child or may be topic-related. Examples of professional development topics include child development, speech/language development, behavior management and sensory integration.

Peer Model Placements


  • Child must turn 3 on or before August 31st
  • Children turning 5 on or before August 31st are not eligible (kindergarten holdouts)
  • Child must pass the district's developmental screening in the typical range for his/her age
  • At least one parent must live in the 501 school district
  • Exception: If a school district employee lives outside of the Topeka Public School district, a child may be approved to be a peer model if the child meets the age and developmental screening guidelines – if there are openings in the PIP classrooms that have not been filled by September 30th.
  • Peer models placements will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

Peer models are age 3-4 year-old children demonstrating age appropriate pre-academics, communication, self-help, social and motor skills (including tolieting). Parents pay a one-time book fee. Parents are responsible for transportation.

To schedule a FREE developmental screening, please call 235.7261

Our District

Topeka Public Schools serves a student population of approximately 13,850. More than 2% of our students are transfers from outside TPS boundaries. A rich, multi-ethnic makeup (22% African-American, 16% Hispanic, 13% other minorities) exposes students to a diverse range of backgrounds and ideas which helps prepare them for their future.

Community-based schools offer smaller building and class sizes across 15 elementary schools, six middle schools, and three comprehensive high schools. TPS also has five specialty centers including a charter school and pre-school. TPS operates Hummer Sports Park, giving students access to one of the best six-sport athletic facilities in Kansas

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