School Police

The VISION of the Topeka Public Schools Police Department is to be RELEVANT, READY and RESPONSIVE to all who attend and work in Topeka Public Schools.

The MISSION of the Topeka Public Schools Police Department is to provide for the safety and security of students, staff, faculty, volunteers and patrons of Topeka Public Schools. We will work in a proactive manner to locate and identify potential hazards and/or criminal activity. The Department is charged with the responsibility of:

  • Maintain a safe and secure environment for the school district.
  • Identify and eliminating potential hazards and/or opportunities for crime and criminal activity.
  • Work to reduce and/or eliminate truancy in Topeka Public Schools.
  • Conduct aggressive and proactive police patrol to deter and detect crime and/or manmade or natural safety hazards.
  • Provide assistance to school administrators dealing with disruptions to the school or school environment.
  • Establish crime prevention, emergency response and safety programs designed to educate the community and school employees in the event of a criminal act or school emergency.
  • Complete police reports to document illegal or inappropriate activity on school properties or adjacent property.
  • Enforce District policy and procedure, city ordinances and the laws of the State of Kansas.

District police officers will provide full cooperation and assistance to students, staff, faculty, volunteers and visitors at all times

Ron Jeanneret

Ron Jeanneret

Director of School Safety
455 SE Golf Park
Topeka, KS 66605
(785) 295-3735
(785) 438-5982 (FAX)

DIAL 911

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