TPS Memorial Page

TPS Memorial

In loving memory to those connected past or present to Topeka Public Schools, the Topeka Public Schools Foundation and Topeka Public Schools have created this page to memorialize deceased members of our TPS family. The TPSF/TPS memorial page provides an opportunity for District staff and loved ones to remember and honor direct and descendent members of TPS inclusive of students, staff and relatives that may have attended.

For interested parties, in addition to adding a name to the memorial list, there are several additional ways one can choose to commemorate an honoree. Those ways are listed below:

1. Purchase a brick or paver in the individual's name to be included in the Topeka Public Schools Foundation Walk of Honor located in front of the Burnett Administration Center. Click here for more information and a link to the form.

2. Give an "Honor An Educator" gift whereby you provide a monetary gift in the name of the honoree to a specific school or TPS individual. Click here for a link to the form.

3. Develop a namesake scholarship specifically designed to support the student category or school of purchasers' choice. You can find a link to TPSF scholarship development form here.

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