How to Apply

To apply for any job with Topeka Public Schools, you must visit the "Job Opportunities site" to find the position you'd like to apply for and complete your application online.

Online Application Instructions

The following documents provide step-by-step instructions on how to use our online application process:

Applicant Requirements

All employees are required to pass certain requirements for employment with Topeka Public Schools. You are not required to pass these requirements to be considered for employment, but you must pass before you will be hired or can continue the employment process.

Pass a physical exam and a Tuberculosis test

  • All employees of the school district are required to submit a certification of health (see below), signed by a licensed medical doctor. This shows that there is no evidence of a physical condition that would conflict with the health, safety, or welfare of students. This physical may have been performed within one year of employment or up to 30 days after employment.

    Because of the highly infectious nature of Tuberculosis, you will not be allowed to report for duty before showing proof of freedom from tuberculosis by chest x-ray or negative TB skin test. These tests can be performed at the time of your physical exam, or if you already have a current physical, a test may be obtained from several medical centers in Topeka.

Pass a background check

  • If you are selected for hire, you will be provisionally appointed to the position. You will then be subject to receipt and review of your criminal history records and the Child Abuse Central Registry of the Kansas Director of Children and Families. Your provisional employment may be terminated in the event of an unsatisfactory report from the KBI or DCF.

Certification Requirements

Applicants for certified positions must meet Kansas State Department of Education certification requirements.

For information about certification or licensure:

  • KSDE Certification/Licensure Information - 785-296-2288

Requirements for Paraprofessional Applicants

The No Child Left Behind Federal Legislation requires that any applicant being considered for a paraprofessional position in any USD #501 Title I funded school (all USD #501 elementary schools, Chase Middle School and Eisenhower Middle school) must have completed two years (48 credit hours) at an institution of higher education, accredited by the state of Kansas. College transcripts must be on file before the applicant will be considered for one of these positions.


Applicants must pass a state-approved test. The test is administered at the Burnett Administrative Center in the Human Resources Department. Contact the Human Resources Department at (785) 295-3088 for details.

* Note that no college hours or State-approved test is required for substituting as a paraprofessional.

Transfer Information

If you would like to complete transfer paperwork, please contact Human Resources for the form at (785) 295-3088.

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